Mrs Rina Pandey

Mrs. Rina Pandey


Principal's Message

The field of nursing has changed immeasurably since Florence Nightingale’s leadership turned caring for the wounded and sick into a profession. Similarly the education of nursing has changed dramatically. We are focusing on preparing our students for a rapidly changing world of health care, at a point of time when young candidates are entering into nursing profession. Our goal is to establish a caring, diverse academic learning environment that provides highest standards of nursing profession.

Vedanta school of nursing and Paramedical Science’s curriculum shapes future nurses at the baccalaureate level in an exciting environment that not only includes classroom and clinical laboratory learning experience on campus, but also opportunities to care for patients at various clinical sites. These sites are located in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and community agencies. Additionally students are prepared for leadership roles in all health care institutions. Other key aspects of the learning that take place in VSN are classroom relationship to clinical sites that offer internship programs for students during summer months, the opportunity to interact with national nursing leaders, who are present in VSN at key point of time and the study aboard programs which add to the value of nursing education.

The faculty believes that VSN offers a tremendous opportunity for graduate nursing education in a unique and professional environment. We invite you to come to VSN and learn for the most noble causes of humanity and your bright future